Vicar's Newsletter 



Good morning everyone,
I am so excited, the Olympics begin today! I am looking forward to plonking myself in front of the TV to watch the opening ceremony and then cherry picking the events I want to watch. And you can bet when I want to do that the weather will improve!!!!🤣🤣🤣
In the mean time Sunday service is at 10.30am, would be so pleased to see you there...I'm going it'll be good, why not join me???
Today's reading is Luke 24:13-35
Caravaggio's beautiful painting The Supper at Emmaus illustrates the moment that the disciples recognise Jesus as he breaks bread with them. A moment of astonishment and utter amazement when Jesus stretches out his arm in a gesture of teaching and blessing. Aren't we all supposed to recognise these moments of recognition every time we are together and break bread? It seems the disciples have a problem in how they understood the scriptures. After the resurrection we are a new creation,  we see the scriptures in a different way, to make sense of all this Jesus had to re-explain the scriptures to them with reference to himself and the written word came alive in a way that they had never experienced before.
as we celebrate Holy Communion and study our bibles, we open our hearts and eyes to see the new, risen Christ afresh. We see those disciple becoming restless, excited, compelled to report back to others what they have seen on the road, and share with them what has happened around the table. And that's what we should be doing, getting excited about meeting the risen Christ in our Communion services, being compelled to get out and tell others about it, and smiling inwardly about the wonderful effect the risen Christ has on our lives.😌😌
Today's prayers...
Please pray for Jim, for Mo, for Sylvia, for Doreen and for Terry
God of Mission, who alone brings growth to your Church. Send your Holy Spirit to give vision to our planning, wisdom to our actions, joy to our worship, and power to our witness. Help our church grow in numbers, in spiritual commitment to you, and in service to our local community. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
 Father God, we pray for our parish,
That each of us might make use of our individual talents enabling each church group to flourish as a witness to the “One Body” of the Church. As we continue preparations for our weekend to grow our church community and invite those who may not know you to join us in September, we pray for volunteers from our parish to share their talents and support, enabling us to prepare and make the weekend a success. Help us to spread the warmth of your love to everyone who joins us. Amen.
Have a great weekend, hope to see you in church Sunday?
Rev Rie